Live purposefully

Let your life stand for something more than your present situation. Circumstances, tests, trials and difficulties in life are not meant to define or confine. These situations come to refine us, to teach us invaluable lessons that can change the very course of our life. So regardless of what life presents to you, strive to learn more, be more, smile more, give more, share more, grow more, love more and live purposefully.

The Christ life example

As children of God we must display the attributes of our Father. We should be the happiest, most joyful, peaceful, wise, compassionate, victorious, forgiving, merciful and patient people.

We should not be short tempered, quick to clap back and bring people down.

We ought to be carriers of light and our presence should bring with it an aura of peace and calm about us because we know who our God is. We should do everything with a spirit of excellence and approach our work with a different type of ethic.

We should be exemplars in our community, school and work. People should know that we are people of fairness and honesty.

We must be proper representatives and witnesses of the Christ that we serve.

Forgive yourself, let go and move on

The path towards self discovery, growing and maturity is never clear cut. There are many twists and turns that make you laugh, cry, angry, curious, intrigued and often times may leave you misunderstood. But regardless of what comes your way, never stop LEARNING, never stop BELIEVING. FORGET past mistakes, learn to FORGIVE yourself and move on. Pain heals, tears stop but GROWTH is continuous.

So you made some dumb decisions or said somethings you shouldn’t have – make AMENDS and MOVE ON. Someone treated you unfairly and it caused you some pain, deal with it and move on.

If it’s something that you can’t change then there is no need to continue living in the past replying it in your mind, living with regret and torment – forgive yourself, LET IT GO and move on.

If it is something that you can change then do what you must (make amends, say you’re sorry even if you don’t believe it was totally your fault, forgive) and move on.

Mistakes, situations, events, circumstances etc are a part of life. Don’t allow it to slow you down or make you afraid (or guilty) to live, laugh or love.

“You can’t reach what’s in front of you until you let go of what’s behind you.”

Live life life purposefully. Have a great week.

Today is a great day

Today is a great day! I’m going to accomplish great things and be a blessing to those around me. I am going to laugh more and be grateful even in the midst of trials. I am going to live life with purpose and on purpose. Great things are coming my way!

Never underestimate the power of positive thinking and declarations.

Feeling myself

I’ve been thinking a lot recently of my journey towards self love and acceptance. One of my biggest revelations have been about taking photos. I don’t like taking photos, I feel self conscious and awkward, I wonder about the flaws the camera would pick up or the up close and personal look at my imperfections the editor will see.

When I was younger I never fancied myself beautiful (I don’t really use the word much today either). I would feel cute or whatever but never beautiful. People would often comment that I’m so photogenic or comment about my smile but I was always my worst critic.

There would be times when I would leave the house with a sense of heeeyyyy and opt to take a picture and be totally deflated by the image I saw. I could pick apart every flaw, skin imperfection, dull look in my eyes etc etc etc (whether these things are real or imagined is another blog post altogether).

I remember that angst feeling whenever MB would ask to take a picture of me. He was a budding photographer and in some ways I suppose I was his muse. But a lot of the times I didn’t really like what I saw reflected. I had put on weight over the years, a lot of dark spots and acne scarring, some facial hair growth, it was embarrassing. I don’t think he cared about those things, I think he saw the beauty of me when I didn’t see it in myself.

I’m sure I was a difficult subject to photograph as my entire demeanor would change whenever he would reach for his gear. I don’t know if he knew the extent of my anxiety as I never discussed it in any detail other than to say “I don’t like taking pictures”.

As I have gotten older though I have begun to accept the person in the mirror or at the end of the camera lenses. I’m not perfect, I still have skin imperfections, I’m still not at my ‘prime’ physically but I’m working on it… I’m working on me from the inside out.

Can I say I’m totally in love with every part with what I see in the mirror… nope but I’m in a love affair with the person in the mirror. I’m a happier version of myself than I was years ago and that’s all progress to me.

My little ‘brother’ began his photography company recently and a few of us have been helping him build his portfolio. Am I happily skipping or volunteering to do a photo shoot (lol NO) but the anxiety is much less. I see the reflected images and I’m a lot less filled with dread at the thought of it being put on line.

I think I’m just at a point of self discovery where I can say “you know what this is me, heavier but happier so you can either take it or leave it”.

I feel more open to be silly, make faces or dance around if I feel too. I don’t feel restrained by anyone or anything.

A few days ago I saw someone and she kept commenting about how sweet I looked and asked if the extra pep can be attributed to anyone in particular (lol). I told her no, this is just me being happy and content in me. I’m just here feeling myself…

#livepurposefully: A reminder to myself

Starting something new is sometimes a bit scary. When you dare to step out and challenge yourself without really knowing what’s around the corner is sometimes a bit scary. Realizing the potential you have on the inside and deciding to step out and be who you are meant to be is often times a little scary. But why? What are we actually scared of? Failure? Not meeting people’s expectations? Having ppl laugh and say ‘who she?’? Or ppl question ‘who do you think you are?’

Why does it matter that much what ppl say or think or believe they know?

Why give into that fear?

Why allow ppl to dictate your shine?

Why see it as an opportunity to fail versus an opportunity to succeed and excel?

Why not make the investment in yourself for yourself?

Too often we give into the voices of other ppl and allow others to say how far you should go in life. But here’s the kicker, many of us don’t even realize we are sabotaging our greatness by making excuses – ‘Oh I don’t like being in front’ or ‘I don’t like speaking in public’ or ‘my time for that has passed’. We park up on the street of negativity at the corner of ‘I give up’ and ‘dying dreams’.

But we have a choice.

NOW is our time! NOW is our opportunity to make the best of this one life and to be the best we can be. NOW!

Tomorrow isn’t promised. We cannot afford to live the rest of our lives not being what you were divinely called or destined to be.

The call for action is NOW. #livepurposefully

Know yourself first

Many ppl out there looking for their ‘other half’ or searching for someone to ‘complete them’. Miss me with that. I’m looking for my complementary whole. Two broken ppl don’t make a whole. Work on yourself. Be the best that you can be. Understand who you are. Know what you’re bringing to the table. Deal with your stuff. Learn and grow as a result of your hardships and mistakes. I’m not trying to be no one’s mother or maid. I’m offering a partnership and my asking price is high. I’m not lowering the same standards I use to hold myself accountable just because of my age or any societal norms and traditions. I’m working on being the best me I can be, so when I present myself to you you’re getting a work towards progress not a hot mess of immaturity. Take time to learn and grow. Deal with the hard, messy stuff of your past. I promise your future self, husband/wife, children/family, coworkers and community would thank you.

Reminder to myself

What started off as a thought, turned tweet, turned reminder to myself


In life there are two relationships you must never neglect. First is your relationship with God. The Bible says @

acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your path.

Obedience, faith, submission, consistency. Build and nurture your relationship with God; it’s what will keep you in course.

The second relationship is the one you have with yourself. See your triumphs as well as your flaws. Take responsibility for your mistakes, take the lessons and grow from it. Remember no one is perfect. Chances are you’ll screw up royally from time to time but it’s okay.

Learn to be the best version of yourself for yourself; not for anyone else. Love yourself for yourself. Learn to be contented with you even while you push to be where you’re meant to be. Learn to celebrate your journey and not be too hard on yourself when you mess up.

Learn to love you. Take care of yourself – an empty bag can’t stand. Invest in you. It’s surely one of the best investments you can make. Learn to be happy from the inside and don’t allow any external thing to disrupt your peace. Find that joy and be unapologetic about it.

Don’t live life filled with remorse or regret of what could have been. Make amends where you can, forgive, say I love you, eat the cake (lol), change your life. Don’t wait on someday, make it happen. Laugh…hard… at yourself, at life, learn to live out loud and up front.

Never stop learning, never stop growing. Learn to open your heart to new experiences and new ppl. Life can get scary sometimes but remember you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Above all, remember you’re not alone and never stop moving forward. NEVER STOP MOVING FORWARD.