
Yesterday marked 40days since my niece passed away and her mom asked me to speak to the gathering. It’s so important to me that people find their passion, drive and purpose but most for all for each person to have a relationship with God. Although I didn’t stick to what I wrote originally I do hope that the message was well received.


In life there are pertinent questions you need to ask yourself? The main one being ‘what’s the point?’. At some period in time or the other everyone asks themselves this one question ‘what is the point?’ Of everything?

What are you doing with your time?
Is your time being spent wisely?

For example, we’re all on facebook and facebook has a timeline. Everything u post, comment on liked, pictures posted, statuses etc is logged on that time line. Sometimes you look back, laugh and wonder ‘boy what was I thinking, why did I wear that or liked that comment etc’.

In similar fashion your life time is a compilation of events, comments, tags etc and the time you spend and what you do, say etc will all be logged there.

For the younger ones, how do you respond to your parents or teachers?
Are you light and a pleasure to be around or are others frustrated by your presence?

What will be your story?
At the funeral I mentioned the ‘dash’ in time that separates the day you were born from the time you depart. What will you write within that time?

For me, I’ve found peace, love and joy in knowing God – after all He is the one who made us and created us for purpose. So I challenge you once again to have a closer relationship with the one who created you, find the reason for life and fulfill your purpose. Each day is numbered and time seems to be passing so quickly, many of us remember just the other day when the year began and now we’re entering the 2nd half of the year. Time waits for no one. So utilize what you have to the best of your ability, learning and leaning on God for guidance and direction.

Don’t be anxious. Don’t be frustrated. Don’t dread the unknown because what is unknown to you is known to God. Be at peace. Be at rest. Meditate on God. Live purposefully and know it’s never too late to make amends and live your best life

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